As of 8:00 PM this evening, we will have exactly one week to prepare for the beginning of the college football season. September 5 has been circled on the calendar of Hokie fans for a long time and with hopes high after a second consecutive ACC Championship and subsequent Orange Bowl victory, Hokie Nation is basically foaming at the mouth for the season to start right now. Needless to say, this is the biggest game in the country on opening weekend, and there will probably be more media coverage than you’ll have time to wade through. For this week, and this week only, I’ll do my best to throw out some final interesting nuggets leading up to the game, as well as essential links for the football crazed. At this point, here are some good starting resources for reading about the 2009 edition of your Hokies as well as game previews, and season previews:
Kyle Tucker is the leading beat reporter/blogger for the Virginian Pilot, and he brings you daily updates and interviews from practice. Today he looks at the solid Whip/Rover dept on the Tech roster. [Virginian Pilot]
Gobbler Country explores the key reasons why Hokie Nation MUST taste victory in Atlanta next Saturday. [Gobbler Country]
Illinois Hokie over at FBS explores how the Hokies can navigate their way from #7 to the National Championship Game in Pasadena. [Fire Bryan Stinespring]
Doesn’t have anything to do with ‘Bama, but TNE explains why we hate Miami. [The North Endzone]
College Game Balls explains some deficiencies in NCAA 10…my only big gripe is that EA’s Tim Tebow > Tecmo’s Bo Jackson. [College Game Balls]
Football Girl contemplates the question on every Hokie’s mind this week. [The Football Girl]
Eight in the Box (a solid ‘Bama blog) examines exactly how the Hokies overcame Bryan Stinespring’s ineptitude last season. [Eight in the Box]
Roll ‘Bama Roll has a solid SEC West Preview to look at…gives good insight on the 2009 Tide. [Roll ‘Bama Roll]
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